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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

California State Senate - Resolution on Cyprus

From the Press and Information Office (PIO):

California State Senate - Resolution on Cyprus

The California State Senate adopted Resolution 24 on the Cyprus problem on 15 March 2006, which was introduced by Senator Alquist. The Resolution states, inter alia, that “a lasting, just, peaceful and mutually agreed upon solution to the Cyprus problem would greatly benefit the security and the political, economic and social well-being of all Cypriots”, and notes that it could contribute to improved relations between Greece and Turkey, and would serve the interests of the United States interests in the region”. The Resolution makes reference to the Annan Plan, and notes that it “was rejected by an overwhelming majority of Greek Cypriots in a free, democratic and fair vote, since it did not sufficiently address their basic concerns”. It states also that the Republic of Cyprus took together with other EU countries the decision in December 2004 to permit Turkey to begin EU accession talks in October 2005, recognizing that Turkey must abide by the EU principles and that “this will significantly contribute to the development of a secure and economically robust Eastern Mediterranean and offer the prospect of providing a new context to resolve the longstanding division of Cyprus”. It notes that Cyprus has announced and is implementing a series of economic and other measures “to reach across the island’s internal division and benefit the Turkish Cypriots living in the Turkish occupied areas of the Republic” and points out that Cyprus “has as a goodwill gesture unilaterally initiated a program to clear more than 2,300 mines in eight minefields in the buffer zone dividing the island”. Commending the people of Cyprus for their continued efforts in search of a just resolution of the Cyprus problem, the Resolution calls on the President and the Congress of the United States to continue their historic support for the reunification of Cyprus, while fully respecting that the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is the only legitimate sovereign authority for the entire island of Cyprus. - 19.04.2006

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