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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Friendly Divorce

Take a look at this snippet from TDN:

President Klaus was also responsible for the friendly divorce of the Czechs and the Slovaks, which had been an artificial union for decades, in a peaceful manner. His easy answer to why there was no referendum on the partition was because the 5 million Slovaks would have voted for separation and the 10 million Czechs would have voted against it. This brings to Turkish minds the question of why there cannot be a peaceful divorce in Cyprus between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots following the Czech example.

Mr. Söylemez proposes an interesting question. I, for one, will lobby the government of RoC for a friendly divorce between the South and the ethnically cleansed land in the North. After all, the Czechs and the Slovaks had a friendly divorce, why can’t we do the same in Cyprus? Better yet, maybe Turkey can show the way by ceding its South-East to the Kurds. What do imaginative “Turkish minds” think about that option, Mr. Söylemez? Come on, lets all follow the Czech example!


  1. Of course, according to our esteemed Turkish Daily News journalist there are "no Kurds in Turkey."

    By the way, excellent blog Konstelion. It's so hard to get solid news on Cyprus here in the West, and there aren't exactly a surfeit of Cypriot blogs out there.


  2. Hello there, Seph. Thanks for the comment and welcome to this site.

    It's amazing, isn’t it, how many Turks quickly equate any expression of Kurdish identity with separatism, which they fiercely oppose. However, when it comes to the Turkish Cypriot minority, full power sharing rights and even separatism is the only solution Turks will accept.
