Photography: Ivy's Brings Us A Lovely Photographic Travelogue to CyprusCuisine: DELICIOUS -- NO-FAIL MODERN CYPRUS EASTER BREAD (“FLAOUNES”)Videography: Come and visit "Cyprus Life" for short movies with places that is impossible not to love

Saturday, August 18, 2007


The recent release of official State Department documents on Cyprus has sent the Cypriot media a-buzz with none stop talk of Kissinger’s role in the Invasion. I bet the release of these State Department documents barely made coverage in the US media; but here, the topic of discussion on TV, in the press and at the dinner table is the talk of the United States and its backing of the Turkish Invasion. The video clips below are this weeks MEGA documentary on Kissinger's role in the Cyprus invasion. I may, in the near future, update the videos below to include English subtitles; but before I can do this, I need to first familiarize my self with video editing software.

MEGA Documentary Part One

MEGA Documentary Part Two

MEGA Documentary Part Three


  1. I hope the Kissinger story died down as quickly as it started. We should learn from the past but focus on the future.


  2. It's fascinating how these documents are sparking such widespread conversation in Cyprus.
